
My knowledge of semantic HTML gives your website premium content accuracy.


I add beauty and responsive layout to your web pages with my robust understanding and experience using CSS, especially CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid


I erase any dull moments from your website by implementing interactions with my knowledge of JavaScript

Version control

I keep track of my work with Git, to ensure proper documentation of all changes/improvements at any point in time


I write outstanding backend and API logics with NodeJs


I build scalable, interactive and reactve websites and web apps with React(JavaScript)

Mikail Rasheed A.

Stellate Software developer with 2 years of experience with frontend web technologies. With my skills set and penchant for solving problems, i code with passion and empathy

WhatsApp github

Selected projects

MMC mentorship
(JavaScript: PERN)
github finder
Github User Finder
(Vanila JavaScript)
chat app
Tiktalk chat app
chat app
Human Resources [Mobile only]
(Vanila JavaScript)
Robot friends
React Robots
(JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap)